Instruction guide and tips for anchoring and working with Sakrete flow-stone
How to Set Bolts in Concrete
Rapidly set fixtures in existing concrete! Use SAKRETE flow-stone, a high strength, anchoring cernent.
SAKRETE flow-stone is a pre-blended, pourable, fast-setting, high strength, anchoring cernent designed for the rapid anchoring and repair of fixtures into concrete. Controlled expansion assures a tight grip on both the fixture and the surrounding concrete. Fixtures may be attached after 1 hour.
ldeal for setting anchor bolts, screws, posts and railings.
For reinforcing rods and other fixtures into existing concrete.
PROCEDURES: Mix and substrate temperatures should be maintained between 5 °C (40 °F) and 30 °C (86 °F) for at least 24 hours prier to and 48 hours after.
Surface Preparation: Surfaces must be structurally sound and clean. Remove any dirt, sand, dust or paint by sweeping, vacuuming, scraping or using a wire brush as required. Remove all grease or oil by scrubbing vigorously with a strong detergent solution and flood with large volumes of potable water. Clean the area with potable water, leaving the concrete saturated but free of standing water. Some very porous concretes may require several applications of water to ensure complete saturation.
Mixing: Use clean containers and clean potable water. Add product slowly while mixing. Avoid a soupy mix. Strength, hardness and fluidity are directly dependent on the water-to-compound ratio. Mix thoroughly. Add any extra water sparingly. See specific projects below for mix:water ratios
STEP 1: First, drill a hole that will be at least 5 cm (2 inches) deep and allow a minimum of 1.27 cm (1/2 inch) of SAKRETE flow-stone to surround the fixture being anchored. Clean surface as stated in surface preparation.
STEP 2: Mixing: Mix to a putty consistency; about 220 ml (7.5 oz) of water to 1 KG (2.2 lb) of SAKRETE flow-stone.
STEP 3: Placing: After mixing, tamp the putty-like mixture into the prepared hole. Tap the fixture into the material. If the material sags, wait a few minutes until the hardening process starts and then position the fixture.
STEP 4: Curing: No special curing is required.
STEP 1: First, drill a hole that will be at least 5 cm (2 inches) deep and allow a minimum 1.27 cm (1/2 inch) of SAKRETE flow-stone to surround the fixture being anchored. Clean surface as stated in surface preparation.
STEP 2: Mixing: Mix to a batter consistency; about 260 ml (8.75 oz) of water to 1 KG (2.2 lb) of SAKRETE flow-stone.
STEP 3: Placing: After mixing, place the fixture into the prepared hole and pour SAKRETE flow-stone around it. Tap the fixture to help settle the mix in the hole. Pour a slight excess around the fixture to achieve a dome shape taper about 5 mm (1/4 inch) higher than the surrounding concrete. This will prevent water from accumulating around the base.
STEP 4: Curing: No special curing is required.
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Tips for working with SAKRETE flow-stone:
- Apply to a damp surface.
- Avoid a soupy mix.
- Do not use where product will be continually exposed to water.
- Use proper safety equipment (i.e. safety glasses, gloves, etc.).