Instruction guide and tips for installing a shower base with SAKRETE Sand Mix.
How to Install a Shower Base
Ceramic tile showers may be custom designed to any size and are easily constructed. A solid cement base under the ceramics will provide years of maintenance free use. Make sure to follow local building codes and all manufacturers directions.
SAKRETE Sand Mix is ideal for shower bases. lt is a high-strength, pre-blended mixture of Portland Cernent and sand. This product can be used where a thickness of less than 5 cm (2 inches) is required.
This product is ideal for cracks in concrete, between flagstones, and grouting. Just add water!
PROCEDURES: Mix and substrate temperatures should be maintained between 5 °C (40 °F) and 30 °C (86 °F) for al least 24 hours prior to and 48 hours after.
STEP 1: Preparation: lnstall the floor drainpipe as required per local building codes. lnstall sub-floor if required, allowing access to the drainpipe. Frame the walls of the shower and the curbing for the shower entrance. Sweep the floor and remove all sharp objects. Also ensure that the nails in the sub-floor are driven flush.
STEP 2: Installation: First, install the shower drain into the floor drain. Then, install a PVC pan-liner. Next, install waterproof drywall on the walls and over the curb. Last, install a locking ring of drain bolts to hold down the pan-liner.
STEP 3: Application: Pour a cement bed for the shower on the PVC pan-liner. Create a slope that is approximately 6 mm (1/4 inch) per 30 cm (1 ft), from the walls to the top of the shower floor drain. Set the floor drain into SAKRETE Sand Mix, allowing for a finishing application of ceramic tiles. Let SAKRETE Sand Mix harden for 24 hours. Then, keep damp for at least 72 hours by spraying occasionally with water. Proceed with installing the ceramic tile.
STEP 4: Curing: Keep the surface damp for at least 72 hours by spraying occasionally with water. Proceed with installing the ceramic tile.
Tips for installing a shower base with SAKRETE Sand Mix:
- Follow local building code and manufacturers' directions (this project is for an experienced DIY'er).
- Use a quality PVC pan-liner.
- Create a slope that is approximately 6 mm (1/4 inch) per 30 cm (1 ft) from the walls to the top of the shower floor drain.
- Cure as recommended.
- Use proper safety equipment (i.e. safety glasses, gloves, etc.).
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