SAKRETE Fast-Patch
SAKRETE fast-patch is a pre-blended, fast-setting, nonshrinking, high strength, cement mixture designed to facilitate fast and easy concrete and masonry repairs. Use for applications where a thickness of 5 cm (2 inches) or less is required. Sets in minutes and may be driven on in only 2 hours.
- Premium quality, patch material for repairs to concrete that require a set time of 8 to 12 minutes
- Ideal for fast repairs of concrete steps, walks, drives and patios
- Apply in a thickness up to 2 inches (5 cm)
- Open to foot traffic in 1 hour
- Ready to use; just add water
Ideal for fast repairs to concrete sidewalks, curbs, driveways, floors, steps, parking garages, loading docks, highway structures, pre-cast units and concrete pipe. May also be used to anchor posts, parking meters and guard rails.
- Premium quality, patch material for repairs to concrete that require a set time of 8 to 12 minutes
- Ideal for fast repairs of concrete steps, walks, drives and patios
- Apply in a thickness up to 2 inches (5 cm)
- Open to foot traffic in 1 hour
- Ready to use; just add water
2 KG (4.4 lb) plastic pail 055226171041
5 KG (11 lb) plastic pail 055226171119
15 KG (33 lb) plastic pail 055226171331
For repairs greater than 5 cm (2 inches) in depth add fine gravel that is 1.25 cm (1/2 inches) or smaller, at a rate of 0.5 KG (1.1 lb) per 1 KG (2.2 lb) of SAKRETE Fast-Patch. The gravel and SAKRETE Fast-Patch should be dry mixed together before adding the water.
Curing means maintaining proper moisture and temperature. When exposed to high heat, direct hot sunlight, dampen and keep covered for at least 24 hours to protect repair from rapid drying.
After mixing, use a trowel and apply over slurry coat while it is still wet. Force the mixture into the roughened repair area. For deep repairs, rod and tamp to eliminate voids in the patch. Level and smooth the patched area at once.
Curing means maintaining proper moisture and temperature. Under normal temperatures, keep the repair damp by spraying with a fine mist of water or cover with a plastic sheet for at least 30 minutes.
After mixing, position the post in the hole and pour in mix. Align post using a level and check the vertical position. There is no need to brace; SAKRETE Fast-Patch will stiffen almost immediately. Do not rework once the mix has set.
Mix and substrate temperatures should be maintained between +5 °C and +30 °C (40 °F and 86 °F) for at least 24 hours prior to and 48 hours after.
1 KG (2.2 lb) yields approximately 200 cm² (30 in²) at 2.5 cm (1 inch) thick.
Concrete must be fully cured (approximately 28 days) and dry before painting. Refer to paint manufacturer directions for application instructions.
Do not mix for more than one (1) minute. Avoid a soupy mix. Excess water reduces strength and durability and can cause cracking. In cold weather, use warm water to accelerate the set. In hot weather, use cold water to slow the set. Discard any product that sets up.
SAKRETE Fast-Patch sets in minutes and may be driven on in only two (2) hours. The Initial Set is approximately 20 minutes.
Place a small amount of SAKRETE Fast-Patch in a clean container and add cold, clean water until the mix is like a slurry. Brush or broom this slurry coat over the dampened repair area to act as a prime. Then, place remaining contents into a clean mixing container. Add approximately 120 mL (4 oz) of clean water per 1 KG (2.2 lb), or enough to achieve a workable mix (mortar consistency like putty). In cold weather, use warm water to accelerate the set. In hot weather, use cold water to slow the set.
Surfaces to be repaired must be structurally sound and clean. Remove all delaminated or unsound concrete by chipping with a hammer and chisel, or by using a stiff wire brush. Clean the area to be repaired with potable water, leaving the concrete saturated but free of standing water. Some very porous concretes may require several applications of water to ensure complete saturation.